725 Main St. Millis, MA 02054

Ninja Warrior

Program Description


Ninja Warrior is the ultimate test of endurance, stregnth and skill. Here at MEGA, we build a solid foundation for these three main components of ninja warrior in a fun, enthusiastic environment. 


These classes are for ages 13 and under.


 Sample 1 Hour Class Schedule

10 minutes - warm up and stretch:

  • short jog to warm the body up
  • a full body stretch to prepare the body for the training ahead

15 minutes - basic vaulting:

  • vaulting is the act of going over an obstacle, which is encountered quite frequently in ninja warrior
  • we start at the most comfortable level for the students and build from there
  • each method has been time tested and proven to be efficient and safe

15 minutes - upper body / climbing skills:

  • upper body and grip strength are essential to any ninja warrior looking to conquer the course ahead
  • we climb ropes, work on high bar, etc. etc.

10 minutes - lower body / agility and speed skills:

  • your legs are your foundation, if we didn’t work these we could do any of it
  • we focus on an infinite number of skills that work on our balance, agility, speed and strength in this area

10 minutes - warm down / skills test:

  • warm down consists of a light stretch focusing on any areas that may have been worked more during the class
  • skills test are when we build our own courses, or pieces of them to practice our newly mastered skills


