725 Main St. Millis, MA 02054

Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties - Gymnastics and More!


Parties at MEGA are all about customizing your child's birthday party the way YOU want it. Choose up to 4 activities to play in an hour. Our parties take place in our spacious, 22,000 square foot, fully air conditioned and state-of-the-art training facility. It is a truly unique party venue.

Please us at info@masselitegymnastics.com with any questions or for more information about booking a party at MEGA. 

Here are just a few of the myriad activities you may choose to include in your party at MEGA.


Obstacle Course: The obstacle course is a great warm up activity. Kids can jump, bounce, slide and scamper through the circuit style obstacle course. The obstacle course tests speed, agility and balance, and it is a lot of fun.  We strive to make our obstacle courses age appropriate, but if you are concerned that it won't be challenging enough for your guests, just talk to us and ask us to kick it up a notch - we can customize one. Best for all ages.

Spider Tag: Spider tag is a great activity add-on to the obstacle course. We play it by pushing all of the blocks and mats together into one big pile. The party guests have to jump from mat to mat without touching the ground, while trying to evade the spider. The last person standing in each round will be the spider the following round. Best for ages: 5+

Parachute: Parachute games are a fun way to wrap up any party. For younger kids, we like to play games like “Pop the Bubbles” and “Rock the Boat”.  In Pop the Bubbles, the birthday child sits in the center of the parachute and, with the help of their friends, they all pop the bubbles created by the friends sitting around the edge. All eyes are on the birthday child but everyone gets to participate. "Rock the Boat" is a quick and simple game that involves trying to keep a ball on the parachute for as long as possible. Older guests will play games like “Lifeguard” and “Cat and Mouse”. All ages will conclude their party with “The Big Bubble”. Best for ages: 5+

Foam Pit: The foam pit is hands down the most sought after activity by kids at out parties. Our fabulous foam pit is a giant pit full of foam cubes (and please note that MEGA’s foam cubes were BRAND NEW in August, 2016!) Surrounding the foam pit are rope swings, trampolines big and small, trapezes, bars, tumble traks and more. It is generally a free-play activity. If you want your foam pit time to be more structured, we can organize races and other games. Best for all ages.

Gymnastics: At MEGA Mass Elite Gymnastics Academy, gymnastics is our main line of business.  If your guests want to do gymnastics, include gymnastics in your activities.  We have the equipment to satisfy even the least experienced gymnast. Best for all ages.

Relay Race: We can organize super fun relay races using gymnastics-based exercises such as bear crawls, crab walks, and leap frogs. Always a great way to get a group of partygoers giggling! Best for all ages.


But remember: at MEGA, we can customize your party, so if you have another activity in mind, please ask!


Birthday Party Pricing:   

Base Price for up to 15 guests:   $330

More than 15 kids are more than welcome: $15per guest* 
* If you expect more than 25 guests, please contact the Front Desk BEFORE your party so that together we can plan your party accordingly!

Parties include: 2 instructors, up to 4 activities in 1 hour 30 minutes in our party room, and a ton of fun

Days and Times:

















Parties can be arranged at other times as well, providing space and staff are available, so please call the Front Desk to discuss your needs.




Jen Damiano

Coach James

Coach Emmalyn
