725 Main St. Millis, MA 02054

Girls Competitive Team


If you are interested in learning more about the Girls Competitive Team, please email us at info@masselitegymnastics.com

Girls Competitive Team Description


Our Team


MEGA competitive girls program consists of levels 3-10.  We participate in local, regional, and national competitions.  Our team program continues to grow stronger each year. We have had numerous state and regional champions and several athletes who have been college scholarship recipients.

Our coaching staff is comprised of experienced, dedicated professionals who are all committed to striving for excellence.  Our goal is to create a healthy, positive and challenging training environment using safe progressions and emphasizing hard work and discipline.  Our team of coaches work together to help each athlete be her best and reach her goals.  We work hard to create an experience for all of our athletes that will promote confidence, self-esteem, and growth of mind and body.


Coaches' Rules and Policies for Gymnasts:


  • Respect yourself as an athlete.  Make sure you are getting the proper rest and nutrition while training
  • Treat your teammates and staff with respect at all times
  • Respect the facility.  All belongings should be kept either in their gym bag or in a cubby. No food should be left out while practicing
  • No cell phone use during practice
  • Arrive at the gym early for practice and be prepared to begin on time.  This means that hair should be up, ankles taped if necessary, no jewelry,  gum, etc.
  • Call the gym or email coaches directly if you will be late or missing practice
  • Arrive to competitions 15 minutes prior to check in
  • At competitions you are representing MEGA.  All gymnasts are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and proper “meet etiquette” at all times
  • No sulking or pouting
  • Congratulate teammates and/or other competitors on the awards stand
  • Do not leave the awards ceremony until all age groups are finished
  • Do not leave the competition area to go up into the stands until after the competition is completed

The following INFRACTIONS may JEOPARDIZE your status as a team member:


  • Any disrespectful act towards a coach or staff member
  • Physical and/or verbal abusive actions towards other teammates
  • Use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes


Further information on many aspects of competitive girls’ gymnastics can be obtained on the USAG website mausagym.com and usa-gymnastics.org.







Hayro Ghukasyan



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